Posts Tagged ‘communication’

Taking a Break – Your Greatest Investment

December 6, 2011

You’ve heard the saying, “you get what you pay for”, right? In order to best give your clients what they are paying you for, it is absolutely necessary for you to put the best you at the forefront of your business.   Sometimes, this may mean taking a step back from  it all and getting to the root of who you are. Taking the time to reevaluate, reassess and get back to your truest you just might be the best investment you’ll ever make.

What do I mean by investing in yourself? I mean going against all business logic and just stopping.  Take a moment (or days or weeks, however long you need) to get yourself back on track. Admittedly, stopping anything – time, effort, progress – in the middle of the hustle and bustle of running a business seems counterproductive: counterintuitive, even.

But in the long-run, those moments (no matter how long they are, in the realm of life, they’re just moments) will allow you to reconnect with yourself and your business. Taking the time to revisit your mission, reassess your methods and reevaluate the communication and relationships you have with clients will inevitably result in a smoother running business.

This brief pause in business will also give you the opportunity to make sure your voice is clear, your marketing plan is effective and your communication is at the top of its game. And from there, you’ll be able to focus on creating and maintaining a business that is authentic, congruent and successful as a result of your newfound confidence.

I call this process cleaning your pipe. You, at the center of your business, become its lifeline, its pipe, and to keep that pipe clean and running efficiently means doing everything to your best ability. Compromising or justifying anything – saying “Well, what I’m doing is okay, but I’m going to do it anyway…” – means clogging the pipe. And that pipe is the main gateway for financial flow, client flow, happiness and joy… so it’s all about keeping the pipe clean, staying aligned, and letting everything you envision flow through.

The end result? A learned confidence that will deepen the foundation of your relationships with your clients by building trust through clearer communication and direction.  So trust in yourself and invest in yourself – your number one asset!